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Webinar on the Impact of the New FDA Menu Guidelines

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Nixon Peabody LLP

Complimentary webinar

Counting calories:
Impact of new FDA menu guidelines

Since the FDA announced its proposed calorie labeling requirements for restaurants with 20 or more locations on April 1, the media has been flooded with opinion pieces and forecasts on how the law's regulations will impact customers' eating habits. Little has been said, though, on how the new rules will affect restaurants and retail food establishments.

Join us on June 21 as we examine the FDA's proposed menu labeling requirements from the perspective of franchises and other restaurant chains. Topics of discussion will include:

  • Overview of proposed requirements
  • Current status and future timeline of the regulations
  • Steps you can take now to prepare for the eventual mandate
  • Unique issues for franchisors



Tuesday, June 21, 2011


12:30–1:30 p.m. Eastern


Webinar (access instructions e-mailed upon registration)


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For more information, please contact Lauren Ketchum
at 617-345-1297 or


Nixon Peabody is an accredited provider of continuing legal education in California, New Hampshire, New York, and Rhode Island. This program is approved for 1.0 general credit hours, and is approved for experienced attorneys only. For other jurisdictions where reciprocity does not apply, individuals are responsible for seeking course approval from their state CLE boards. Nixon Peabody will assist with seeking course CLE approval upon request. Please note that the CLE boards have the final authority on the acceptance and granting of CLE credit for individual courses. Attendees are responsible for self-reporting their CLE credits.

401 Ninth Street NW • Washington, DC 20004 • 202-585-8000

Nixon Peabody LLP

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