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Trademark Enforcement 2.0: Policing Your Marks in the Digital Age

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Nixon Peabody LLP

Complimentary webinar:

Trademark Enforcement 2.0:
Policing Your Marks in the Digital Age

  • Twitter, Facebook, and other social networking websites have exploded onto the scene in the last few years. Once the domain of college students, they are now very much part of the business world. These new media enable companies to quickly and easily promote their brands to the marketplace, announce sales and product information, and communicate with consumers. However, they also create risks that were unimaginable just a few short years ago.
  • Online advertising and promotional vehicles like Google AdWords™ and Google AdSense™ are increasingly playing key roles in corporate marketing strategies. Companies devote much of their marketing resources to building and maintaining brand recognition on the Internet. However, online advertising can also pose a clear and present danger to brands and reputations.
  • Strategies and practical advice for anticipating, and addressing, current and future challenges to online brand protection—including new top-level domains and monitoring "chatter" about your brand on social networking sites, community/user review boards, and blogs.

Join us as Joanne Kelly, chief counsel at AOL, and Jason Kravitz, chair of the Brands and Creations practice at Nixon Peabody, review the latest trends in online trademark protection and discuss how trademark owners can best protect against online threats.


Tuesday, November 16, 2010


2:30-3:30 p.m. (Eastern)


Online webinar (Access instructions e-mailed upon registration)


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For more information, please contact Dorsey Fiske
at 202-585-8397 or



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